Sunday, June 19, 2011

June 19, 2011

Happy Father’s Day! Well, right after I posted last night it seemed like the floodgates opened. A van fell off the road on one of the mountains last night. It was about 20 feet down from the road. It was full of about 15 people who were coming home from a funeral. Unfortunately, the driver passed away, and my Dad had to pronounce him dead (something he hasn’t done in 23 years). People came in with lacerations, broken bones, dislocated joints, and the works. In the middle of all of this, a man came in with his hand almost completely chopped off. He went to confront his neighbor about roaming farm animals, and his neighbor attacked him. Apparently, he was angry enough to attack him with a machete. Dr. Briggs, the long term missionary, had to put his tendons back together. Hopefully, he’ll regain use of his hand, but it’s unlikely. Also during all of this, in the wee hours of the morning, 5 women came in about to give birth. Dad had to do 3 C-Sections today. 2 of them were after 7 am, so I got to watch. The first one I watched was of a lady whose baby was coming out hand first and the cord had dropped. The baby was stuck in the birth canal, so Dad had to push it back up and pull it out. Dad had to resuscitate it while the mom lay bleeding on the table. Everyone ended up ok and healthy in the end. The second C-Section there was only a surgery tech and an anesthetist helping out. The anesthetist caught the baby after it came out, and cleaned it up. He couldn’t leave the OR, so I got to carry the baby back to nurses in the maternity ward. This baby came out with a cone head from being in the birth canal. It was pretty funny. After all that quieted down, we had a nice relaxing day. It is nice that the midwives can do the normal deliveries. Dad was up all night with a C-Section, D&C, and a vaginal tear repair from the car accident. He was very appreciative of the break in the afternoon. We had baked chicken and mashed potatoes for lunch. Good church food. Dad and I went out for a walk, and as soon as we got as far as we could’ve from our room it started pouring. Luckily, we got an umbrella from our friend Tara, so we didn’t get too wet. We had a nice service led by Dr. Briggs for church tonight. It is nice seeing all of the missionaries together. I’m having such a great time and getting great experience. I know I wouldn’t be able to just wander in and out of the OR in the States. Please continue to pray! God hears all of our prayers!


  1. Mary Katherine, I have just finished getting caught up on all of the activity that you and your dad are participating in. It really makes you thankful for the healthcare that we have available in the U.S. Sounds like your dad needs a break. LOL!!! I am guessing that you want to be a doctor as well. Enjoy your experience and soak it up.

  2. Hi Ms. Shoemaker, My name is James Marshall Shoemaker, 51. My daughter's name is Mary Caroline Shoemaker, 19. I am often mistaken by medical businesses for your father. Best wishes, Marshall Shoemaker
